Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Illinois Couple See the Beauty in Steel Carport

Talking with David and Becky Drinkwater of Beach Park, IL, their pride is palpable as they discuss an addition they made to their homestead two years ago.

“It’s just so beautiful,” they both say, almost in unison. “We’ve gotten so many compliments from everyone who sees it.”

Some may be surprised to learn that the impetus for the excited lilt in their voices is a steel carport that stands in their driveway and protects their car. “Becky and I were talking about purchasing a carport to park our new car under, and we agreed that we didn’t want to have to look at or deal with a poorly constructed, ugly, box-shaped thing sitting in our driveway,” says David. “We live on more than two acres of land that looks like a beautiful park, and we didn’t want to build a garage or any structure that would take away from that park-like environment—we wanted it to remain open.”

 After visiting various home improvement chain stores, the Drinkwaters were losing hope that they would ever find something that was affordable and met their aesthetic standards.  “One day we were on the Internet, and we happened upon SteelMaster Buildings,” says David. “After researching their product and talking to a few folks who work there, we knew we found what we were looking for.”

Located in Virginia Beach, VA, SteelMaster Buildings has 28 years of experience designing and producing steel and metal pre-engineered arch buildings for a broad range of residential and commercial applications, including carports.
“The SteelMaster Ultimate Carport is the strongest steel carport in the marketplace and is built to withstand a variety of climate conditions while at the same time has a unique, pleasing look about it and offers 100 percent usable space, thanks to the arch design,” says Michelle Wickum, SteelMaster’s director of marketing.

For the Drinkwaters, the arch of the carport is a thing of beauty. “Aesthetically, the arch of the roof looks really cool to us,” says David. “Plus I love the quality of it. It is a powerful, really strongly built structure. I’m convinced that if we were hit with a hurricane, the house would blow away, but the carport would stay right where it is.” Betsy says she couldn’t agree more. “When you drive up to it, it’s so beautiful, and everyone remarks about that.”

In fact, the Drinkwaters believed so strongly in the beauty of their carport that they submitted photos of it into SteelMaster’s 2010 spring photo contest. “They were one of the five runner ups for that contest,” says Wickum. “The photograph of the carport was chosen as it was an excellent representation of the strength of SteelMaster carports.  In fact, we liked the photo so much that we featured the Drinkwaters’ carport in our 2011 calendar.”

When David submitted his photos, he also wrote a few paragraphs about their carport that really expresses it all:

The arch design of the carport is what I find most exciting and visually attractive.  It is also extremely strong and very well built.  One could not want for a more aesthetically pleasing and substantial carport anywhere in the world.  One could safely say that I was greatly impressed by the product and the customer support that was provided during its construction.

It was very helpful to have your staff explain construction techniques that would help me make my carport square and level and fit together properly.  Rich often was the person I called the most. He told me how to build a wooden template to set down on the sonotubes so that I could suspend my J-bolts into the wet concrete.

I procured a laser level to make all my sonotubes level.  I did that at dusk to see the red line on the sonotubes and then traced them with a marker and cut them off with a jigsaw.  I mixed all my concrete by hand with a hoe and wheelbarrow.  It took about 70 bags of concrete to fill the four sonotubes.  It tested my manhood. I have a cordless impact driver that was indispensable in torquing all the nuts down to specs.

I only had one assistant, the woman of my dreams and my sweetheart, Becky, who was indispensable. 
With thousands of satisfied customers, including buildings located in every state in the United States, on six continents, and in more than 40 overseas countries, SteelMaster takes pride in knowing its Steel Buildings have earned the favor of people like the Drinkwaters.

SteelMaster’s steel and metal pre-engineered buildings are designed for a broad range of residential and commercial applications including Garages, Workshops, Carports, Quonsets, Airplane Hangars, RV Storage, Military Buildings, Commercial Warehousing, and Industrial Storage as well as a wide variety of Custom Building applications including Athletic Facilities, Retail Stores, Churches, Bus Stops, Smoke Shacks, Doggie Dorms, and Correctional Facilities.

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